Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Bit of My Experience

"Just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the Resource Fair at Heald College in Roseville. I enjoyed getting to meet people and letting them know about APC's presence in the community. It was great to, in essence, hear people say 'where have you been all this time?' I know that events like this help connect us with the greater community, who, desperately need a lifeline to truth.

"I believe God led me to connect with a woman, who was searching for truth. Attracted to the fetal models, we struck up a conversation pertaining in part, to her pregnancy. What amazed me was that this was not so different from what we, as client advocates, do at the clinic. Except that we may have a window of two minutes versus twenty to connect with a person on some sort of a level...I was amazed to find that this woman was very receptive to hearing the information that was in our pamphlets and the Lord led me in a line of conversation that I knew, was so timely for this woman and would stay with her for a very long time.

Since her vision involves helping other women, I've now realised that it wasn't just this one woman that I've potentially resourced through and connected to APC...it means that I may have resourced and connected a generation of women and men that this woman will one day acquire in her sphere of influence. And the best thing is, they get connected with truth and practical support.

"It was a great learning experience...I'm realising that those people out there, are the same people that may one day find themselves walking through the doors of our clinics because they or people they know will need what we provide."

by Alisa, APC Client Advocate


The Right to Choose Right

Here at APC we know that God moves in mysterious ways, and His presence at our center is undeniable. This is most evident when a young woman come in abortion minded and leaves excited to be a mother
June 15th was a day when God spoke truth and love through one of our precious client advocates, into the life of a woman who was at a crossroads.

You see, this young woman came in wit the weight of the world on her shoulders. The father of the baby was no longer a part of her life yet, sadly, wanted her to abort. She had scheduled an appointment at a local abortion clinic for the very same day that she came to see us. The desires of the client's mom and sister were that she keep the baby. Her sister made an appointment at APC on behalf of her sister and brought her here. When the sisters came in, the sister spoke on behalf of the client. As they sat in the lobby waiting to be seen the room was quiet and the atmosphere was tense. Soon they were ushered into one of our comfortable and serene intake rooms to speak with the client advocate. The situation was dire.

This all changed. As I approached the client advocate room, in order to administer the pregnancy test, I could hear laughter and the sounds of joyous voices. Words of truth were so evidently presented through our client advocate. This mom chose life!

It gives me goose bumps every time I think of how little time it takes for God to shine His light and change the lives of those living in darkness.

By Yuliya Kraynov, Nurse Manager

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dignity: "The bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation." dictionary.com

I never get tired of seeing a baby in a belly. Little feet, tiny nose, strong spine, big yawn...I always get choked up when I witness a woman having an ultrasound. I am also aware, first hand, of how much time we take with each person that walks in our door and requests a service. From the receptionist, to the Client Advocate, to the Nurse...we make the time necessary to answer questions and give dignity to the moment. We exist because we care for the Life of the woman, the child and the family.

Today I was especially struck by the mindfulness and professionalism of Nurse Ashley as she performed an ultrasound. Her care of this young woman was consistant with APC's mission of promoting compassionate care for each life. Nurse Ashley took over 40 minutes checking each inch of the baby's tiny body, while making sure the client was comfortable and informed.

I am amazed daily at the impact of this precious ministry and the dignity it gives the individual during their most important decision making moments.

I am humbled by our Partners who support us--allowing us to offer all of our services FREE OF CHARGE so that we do not profit from a woman's choice.

Alternatives Pregnancy Center. Dignity.

Written by Tricia Lewis, Development Director