Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dignity: "The bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation."

I never get tired of seeing a baby in a belly. Little feet, tiny nose, strong spine, big yawn...I always get choked up when I witness a woman having an ultrasound. I am also aware, first hand, of how much time we take with each person that walks in our door and requests a service. From the receptionist, to the Client Advocate, to the Nurse...we make the time necessary to answer questions and give dignity to the moment. We exist because we care for the Life of the woman, the child and the family.

Today I was especially struck by the mindfulness and professionalism of Nurse Ashley as she performed an ultrasound. Her care of this young woman was consistant with APC's mission of promoting compassionate care for each life. Nurse Ashley took over 40 minutes checking each inch of the baby's tiny body, while making sure the client was comfortable and informed.

I am amazed daily at the impact of this precious ministry and the dignity it gives the individual during their most important decision making moments.

I am humbled by our Partners who support us--allowing us to offer all of our services FREE OF CHARGE so that we do not profit from a woman's choice.

Alternatives Pregnancy Center. Dignity.

Written by Tricia Lewis, Development Director

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