Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Letter from a New Friend

Hi Alternatives team!

This is Jennifer. You guys gave me my first ultrasound in August and I just wanted to update you on the status of my pregnancy. I am now 15 weeks pregnant & ENGAGED! Oh boy! The baby is perfectly on schedule and I will find out the sex on November 23. I can't wait!!! I just wanted to reach out to you guys to say thank you for all you did for me. I needed the support in the beginning and I totally believe in what your team and organization does for young girls! Even though I am an adult and was being careful a surprise pregnancy was the last thing I saw coming in life and it can throw you for a loop! I am now very excited to become a Mommy in April of 2011!

Oh and both sides of out families are ecstatic! I attached my most recent ultrasound to show you guys the little peanut. I hope all is well and your organization keeps growing and networking. Thanks again!

Jennifer & Baby

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