Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hope In Truth

It’s a simple truth; the circumstances we find our selves in today are a direct result of decisions made yesterday, and our future will be effected by the decisions we make today. It applies to all areas of life; school, relationships, health, everything. As obvious as this seems to be, it is a truth that eludes many from time to time. How many times do we hear people say “If only I knew”?

Many women who have made the devastating decision to abort in the past, have said to us; “If only there had been a place like Alternatives Pregnancy Center for me.”

We want women to know. We want to be there for them. We want them to know what is going on inside their body, and the stages of fetal development. We want them to know the risks associated with abortion procedures. We want them to know about adoption options. To know they have options, and that they are not alone, is the most powerful help they can receive.

Our volunteers are trained to help women to look past her fears and empower her to make a decision she can live with the rest of her life. We believe women should have medically accurate and compassionate information before choosing how to handle an unplanned pregnancy. It’s exciting that over 85% of women will choose life for their child when given this type of support!

We help women find hope and strength to walk through the “valley of despair” created by yesterday’s poor choices. We are here for her, to empower her in decisions today, so she can celebrate her tomorrows!

Together for Life!

Sue O’Connor

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ultrasound: It's More Than a Machine

God has blessed APC with a powerful tool that speaks truth and hope to our clients. The ultrasound machine in our medical clinic is providing a glimpse into the womb of the delicate life within.

It is a beautiful thing to witness the bond that begins as the Holy Spirit ministers to the heart of an abortion-vulnerable woman, when for the very first time she hears the beating heart of her baby.

It may just be a machine, but God is using it to save lives!

Written by: Renee Eckley, RN, BSN, PHN
Nurse Manager